15 March, 2007

To Sleep or Not to Sleep

It's 9.45 pm and I'm knackered. I've only been up about 13 1/2 hours, so I must be short on sleep if I'm this tired already. Trouble is, getting up before noon at the earliest is not good for my system and my body can't handle it. I'm not sure, but I think most hermits are night owls and it just isn't right that we're forced by society to get up at ungodly hours when the sun is shining and stuff. Not right at all.

Of course, for a hermit I've had a busy day in that I had to do something that really does give my system a shock ... yes, I had to GO OUT. Typically, for the first time in ages, it was raining at the time I had to go and, typically, I couldn't find my umbrella. On the homeward journey, it was raining so much that I had raindrops dripping from weird places like my nose (better than other things that could have been dripping from it, I guess) and by the time I got home I was absolutely soaked. I had intended taking the kids to McDonald's afterwards, but that had to go by the board. Pity, 'cos I fancied a Big Mac.

As to where I went, it was nothing exciting, just to my son's school to listen to his teacher prattling on about how he's doing. Not worth repeating - he's excellent at maths and arts & crafts, very good at English, but crap at working as part of a group and hopeless at remembering his games kit . He's also very polite, very helpful and an all-round nice boy.

Anyway, as I'm knackered and haven't anything better to do, I am probably going to get a ridiculously early night. It may be a normal bedtime for most other people, but for me it's totally unacceptable and makes me think I'm at death's door or something. Chances are I won't go to bed for another 2 or 3 hours anyway, I never do when I say I'm going to. I'll get up and make another coffee and decide I'm good for another few hours yet, especially as in 10 minutes there will be something better I can do.

And I'm being told-off for singing again ... don't know why I bother existing at all, to be honest. Old, knackered and tuneless with a dripping nose. Not much hope for me really, is there.

Google Mood Ring (Dark Blue): Impassioned, delighted, whiff of romance.

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