09 September, 2004

Eccentric Bohemian Hermits

I started this blog yesterday and spent ages registering it with various feed things and what-have-you, then realised that the name I'd given it wasn't really suitable. I actually really liked it, but it dawned on me that it would seriously limit the number of people who would want to read it. I called it Menopausal Mutterings but as you can see, it is now Witty Woman. I don't think that's really very appealing either, but it's the name of my website so it makes sense. I did think of calling it Eccentric Bohemian Hermits (I like that), but instead I'm using that for this posting.

I don't actually intend discussing Eccentric Bohemian Hermits today though, if I ever do. The words speak for themselves I think and I have to admit it's a damn good description of me. I've put it in the plural because it doesn't sound right in the singular and anyway, I'm sure I can't be the only Eccentric Bohemian Hermit in existence.

I've started one or two other blogs in the past (I still have one on Xanga, although it hasn't been updated in years) but they never seem to achieve much. I did have quite a decent following on Xanga as it happens, but I just got fed-up of updating it because everybody there seemed to be young enough to be my grandchild and I couldn't relate to what most of them were saying. I found a few decent writers though and was able to post some of their stuff on my websites, which was nice for them and for me. A couple of the bloggers I was following are still going strong, but the rest haven't posted anything for several years either. Some were friends I persuaded to join who never posted anything at all!

So far I show 8 views to my profile on here, but I have a feeling they are probably all mine. I keep popping back to see if anybody has looked at my profile and I think in so doing I am making it look as if they are when they're not. I think I need to add some sort of site stats button to my actual blog so I can see if anyone other than me is visiting it. Not sure I could cope with the devastation of knowing they're not, though. Women of my age are easily devastated.

What I dislike about blogs is the way they go on and on and on, ad infintum, on the same page, with the latest at the top, meaning you have to read them from the bottom upwards. The only way round that is to create loads of different blogs, but that would be a pain in the old proverbials because I'd have to register them all with the site feed things. I don't really know what they're all about, seems people have to have a site feeder or something on their computers, whatever that is. I certainly don't have one.

I'm wondering now whether Eccentric Bohemian Hermits would be a better name for this blog than Witty Woman. It certainly grabs the attention more, I would say. Trouble is, if I contact all the feeder places and ask them to change the name again after I only asked them a couple of hours to change it, they might get a little annoyed with me. Then again, I could always blame it on my hormones.

1 comment:

PinkHattuer said...

Hi Whitty Woman - Loving your posts! I am blessed with a teen age son who is so hormoanal he(I stress the moan part) is driving me mad! I also started a blog today feel free to check it out. We have the same taste in templates. Period Free!! How awsome are you girl?!!