10 September, 2004

Yes, I've Changed it Again!

I did a quiz about an hour ago, which you can find at a site called Bloginality. There are only four questions, but the results were quite astonishing. I was an INTP, which stands for "Introverted - iNtuitive - Thinking - Perceiving" and gives me a primary focus on "introverted thinking with an extroverted intuition" (the website spelt it extraverted, but it's never looked right to me spelt that way, so I've changed it. I think maybe "extraverted" is the American version, I've never seen it spelt that way here).

I'm not entirely sure what an "extroverted intuition" is, but having read the description of this personality type, I can honestly say it is ME. More to the point, it is obvious to me, after clicking on various links and reading about this INTP personality, that what is being said here is that I am, amongst other things, strange, unconventional and unsociable. There are three very nice synonyms for these words, namely: eccentric, Bohemian and hermit. This is why I had no choice but to change the name of my blog to the one I considered but decided against yesterday.

Apparently, people of the INTP personality type are more likely than any others to be geniuses (Einstein was an INTP). I cannot disagree with this, because when I took the Mensa test some years ago I passed it, although I never bothered to join because the meetings were the same day as my Scrabble club and I didn't see the point in wasting £25 or whatever it was to join if I couldn't go to the meetings and for some reason the person who ran them didn't feel inclined to change the day just to suit me.

When I took the test, I was told I had an IQ in the top 000000000.9 of the population (or it could have been 0.000000009 ... something with a lot of 0's and one 9, anyway). This sounded very impressive to me and I do like to brag about it every now and again, so please excuse me. I'd probably fail the test if I took it now though, because I'm sure I've lost rather a lot of brain cells since then, plus there is my current problem with
bovinity to consider, but as far as I'm concerned I'm still a genius. Wonder if I could fit that into Eccentric Bohemian Hermits without it sounding too cumbersome?

That would be quite a good name actually, because then my site could be known as GBH for short. Then again, it still could be, I could call it Geriatric Bohemian Hermits instead. One of the readers of my posting called
Eccentric Bohemian Hermits, namely Perfectly Vocal, mentioned in her comment that "everything is reduced to an acronym" where she works, so she would probably appreciate GBH. However, EBH could stand for more than just Eccentric Bohemian Hermits. It could stand for Extensive Bodily Harm, or Exceptionally Bright Holograms, or even Extremely Bedraggled Housewives ... any number of things, in fact. I just happen to prefer Eccentric Bohemian Hermits, so that is what my EBH stands for.

Talking of the afore-mentioned Perfectly Vocal (who lives in the same town as me, but I don't know her, at least I don't think I know her ... maybe I do, who knows), take a look at her answer to her random question. Even the fact that whoever wrote the questions on this site spelt "woolly" wrongly doesn't take away from the fact that it's one hell of a funny answer. I particularly like the succinct simplicity of it. Brevity has never been my strong point, so I always admire those who can say so much in so little, as opposed to those like me who can say so little in so much.

1 comment:

person said...

nice blog u got here