24 September, 2004

I am Not a Cookie or a Turd!

A message was left on my last entry by Lynn, in which she mentions the fact that a hermit is not only a recluse, but also "some kind of spiced cookie".

I therefore went to look the word up myself and I discovered that it is actually "a spiced cookie made with molasses, raisins, and nuts". Now, I have never heard of this food item and as the dictionary in question (Dictionary.com) is American, I suspect it's "an American thing". It must be if you think about it, because we would call it a biscuit.

I want it to be known that I am most definitely NOT a spiced cookie, or any other kind of cookie. I am not even a biscuit. I would, however, be quite happy to be something else I found on Dictionary.com, namely a Hermit Thrush, even if they are American, as I rather like the fact that they have "retiring habits, but a sweet song". This actually describes me rather well because I do have a lovely singing voice and a friend once likened it to that of a nightingale ... and I wasn't even singing in Berkeley Square.

The only aspect of being a Hermit Thrush that would bother me is what looks like its Latin name, namely "Turdus Pallasii". The second word is OK, but I have no desire to be associated with a word like "turdus". Even more worrying is the fact that "Turdus Pallasii" also seems to be an alternative name for "hermit", without the thrush bit on the end.

I have to admit that I would rather be a cookie than a turd.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes I have actually read that play you made reference to, in fact I used a ten minute section of it while competing in the school's forensic competion. How funny I hadn't though of that in years.